Monday, November 27, 2017

Barriers to Effective Communication

Why does good communication break down?

The previous blog lists the elements of the communication process (communicator, message, encoder, medium, receiver/decoder, feedback, and noise). This is about identifying hindrances to good communication or noise. If noise exists in any of the elements in any way complete clarity of meaning and understanding is lost. Management has a responsibility to develop effective communications. Communication breakdown will cause inefficiency for the employer, but it can cost the employee their job. There are several common barriers to effective communication.


The two most obvious barriers to office communication are language and culture barriers. Both play important roles in today's diverse marketplace. Because they are obvious potential communication hindrances, most organizations pay close attention to these. Language and culture diversity is a powerful tool when the differences are worked out.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Communication is the Key to Success!

Communication is the glue that holds organizations together.

Communication assists employees to accomplish personal and company goals, respond to organizational change, organize commercial activities, and participate in every relevant activity. As important as communication is, breakdowns in communication are pervasive.
"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
When communication is less than it should be, the organization will not be what it can be. Communication within a company is unavoidable, but effective communication is.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Employees Must Understand Change

The previous blog stated that employees must change or die. This may seem to be overstated, but the it is close to reality. Employees must understand change and the necessity for change.

Organizations do not change for the sake of changing. There are several factors that make change necessary.

First, technology is changing. There are many engineers and computer geeks sitting around thinking of innovations to make tasks easier and more efficient. Companies that embrace these changes will surge ahead of their competition. 

Second, markets are changing. Things that are popular and marketable yesterday are not popular today. Things that are popular and marketable today will not be popular tomorrow. Inventors and innovators will rule tomorrow's market.

Third, society is changing. We live in a very informed society. Companies must be in tuned with society and adapt. 

Fourth, there is more competition because of globalization and this will continue to increase resulting in an increasing need for change.

Finally, change will also be necessary to keep products and services relevant to the local and global markets.

Monday, November 6, 2017

You Must Change or Die!

This is overstated...or is it?

This may not apply to you personally, but it applies to the company for which you work.

There is a natural cycle to every organization.

  • Beginning
  • Growth
  • Plateau
  • Decline
  • Death
Without intervention in the plateau phase, the organization will eventually decline and die. The intervention, more often than not, will require change. However, organizations are usually resistant to change. There are common reasons that people are reluctant to change. 

  1. Fear of losing status or security. Employees work hard to get where they are and change can mean new technologies to learn, more employees to compete with, and many more real and imagined factors.