Monday, August 14, 2017

Good Employees Display Loyalty

Good employeeship is about creating a company culture based on responsibility, commitment, loyalty, cooperation, and development.

The previous post highlighted the importance of initiative, it was stated that initiative cannot be achieved without a high amount of responsibility and loyalty. Organizational loyalty is defined as allegiance to the company above self, protecting and defending it against external threat and promoting its good reputation (Himanshu, 2012). Loyalty is also defined as being faithful to the one you have chosen to support. 

Employees that lack loyalty to the company can be extremely costly. A dis-loyal employee talks about other employees behind their backs, undermines others in the eyes of the management, and engages in other behaviors that hinder the organizational climate and culture that the leaders are creating (Aveling, 2012). 

When a company is looking for workers, they are looking for employees that  can exhibit significant loyalty to the company, its mission, and its success. This also means they are looking for employees that are loyal to fellow employees as well. A loyal employee, however, does not look through rose colored classes. If they see something wrong or in need of improvement, they give constructive criticism and even have spirited debates. But loyal employees keep these discussions civil, they hear and understand others opinions and when a decision is made, they follow through with the best of their ability and dedication. 

Employees that feel responsible are more likely to demonstrate loyalty to the people and goals of the company, and to contribute to creating and maintaining a team spirit. They also are more likely to take initiative to achieve performance outcomes and improve organizational capabilities.

A loyal employee

  • is happy when the company is successful.
  • takes action and defends the company if it is threatened.
  • is proud to be part of the company.
  • talks positively about the company.
  • defends the company against attack.
  • gives constructive criticism, but keeps it within the company.
  • is faithful, honest, and trustworthy.
  • displays actions and attitude of solidarity.
  • have an employeeship mindset.
  • becomes ambassadors for the company.
  • are proud and have feelings of being valued by the company.

Aveling, G. (2012). Employeeship-a new way of thinking: The success of an organization is everyone's responsibility. Transformation Managed with Inspiration.  www.tmimalaysia,com/my.

Himanshu, S. (2012). Competitive advantage through employeeship: A conceptual perspective. International Journal of Management Sciences, 1(4),16-25.

This blog is dedicated to development topics that will make you a better employee. Join the discussion. If you have a question, leave it in the comments section below. If you have a comment, leave it in the comment section below. If you have a suggestion for a topic, leave it in the comment section below. 


  1. I believe loyalty begins with management. When management is supportive of employees and works with employees in negotiating life both in the office and outside, then employees are more prone to be loyal to a company who has invested in them.

  2. Yes, you are correct. Ultimately, when an employeeship culture is achieved, both employer and employee are doing what is best for the company. On the final analysis, what is best for the company is best for the employees at every level from owners to new hires

  3. I plan a future blog on "Life/Work" which is a very very important leadership topic.

  4. Interested in reading more into the "Life/Work" post.
