Monday, January 8, 2018

BR: How to be happy at work!

Life is too short to be unhappy at work!

Far too many people spend year after year at a job that leaves them unhappy and unfulfilled. This is not fair to them, their families, and fellow employers. Annie McKee wrote How to be Happy at Work: The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship for Harvard Business Review Press (2017).


What would it be worth if you could learn to be happy with your work? Most people would be willing to pay for this valuable information. However, like most things, there is no quick fix or magic pill that makes a person happy with their job. Maybe you could develop one and become very very wealthy. In the meantime, we are relegated to find happiness however we can find it.

Years ago, I worked at a program that helped men with life-controlling problems (mainly drugs and alcohol). I was counseling with a young man named Wade. He rejected all of my suggestions and argued that I was all wrong. Finally, I asked him point blank, "What do you really want?" His answer was simple, "I guess that I just want to be happy." Happiness is often elusive. It is like trying to go to sleep, the more you try, the harder it becomes to fall asleep.

The sub-title of McKee's book, The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship, give us the important keys to happiness at work. These keys were discovered through the author's years of helping companies become companies where their people can do their very best. She was puzzled and dismayed at the sheer volumes of people that were deeply unhappy at work. Looking to discover what the difference was that makes unhappy work happy. She concluded that to be truly happy at work, we need purpose, hope, and friendships.

Happiness begins with purpose and meaningful work. Psychologists from Victor Frankl to Abraham Maslow have shown that everyone regardless of race or status, desire to have purpose in life and work. Frankl shows us that we strive to find meaning in our day-to-day lives no matter where we are or what conditions we're subjected to. For some, it requires a little work to discover purpose at work, but it will be well worth it when it is realized. Many people work in jobs because it is the only job they can find or are qualified to do. Working at the local fast-food restaurant is not glamorous, but it fulfills a needed function. Every job is preparation for the next job. Good employees understand the importance of each job they have as they prepare for the next job.

Hope is very important to being happy at work. Hope is also an essential part of the human experience. Hope is essential to happiness in every aspect of life. "Hope, optimism, and a vision of a future that is better than today help us rise above trials and deal with setbacks." Hope is the fuel for your energy, creativity, and determination. It helps you reach our potential. Discover how your work fits into your personal vision of your future. "With hope, optimism, and a personal vision, we can actively choose a path toward happiness--a path away from disengagement, cynicism, and despair.

Relationships are at the heart of collective success in our companies because strong, trusting, authentic relationships form the basis for great collaboration and collective success. We need to feel that people care about us and we want to care for them in return. This is not just a part of work, it is also part of the human condition. We want to feel accepted for who we are and be a part of the team that makes us feel proud and inspires us to give our best effort. "Love and a sense of belonging at work are as necessary as the air we breathe."

Happiness at work is a choice, When you decide to look within yourself to connect with what is most important to you, what makes you feel hopeful about your future, and what you long for in your relationships, you are taking the first step toward a work life that is deeply satisfying, challenging, and fun. With conviction and practice, you can be happy and successful--and live your work.------






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1 comment:

  1. I feel very strongly that if you want to be happy with anything it starts within yourself. If you are happy inside then you are more inclined to be happy with other things.
