There is a movement by Human Resources departments to hire the most talented people. Many people will be left behind if they do not understand what these hiring professionals are looking for in their applicants. They are looking for talent.
"If I were running a company today, I would have one priority above all others; to acquire as many of the best people in the world."
~~Jim Collins~~
author of "Good to Great"
Mandy Johnson, the author of Winning the War for Talent, wrote that according to a CEO Institute Survey, the number-one issue keeping CEO's awake at night is sourcing and retaining skilled staff. Highly talented people are wanted by every organization.
I have worked for organizations and witnessed some employees rise higher and faster than other employees. Sometimes they advance because of experience or education, but not always. Not all employees have experience and skills needed by organizations especially in a climate of corporate lay-offs and gaining employment outside a person's field of training.
As an employee, I want to develop my talents and abilities so that I become an invaluable asset to the company for which I work. I want to know what my bosses want and expect from me. My question is--how is talent viewed or evaluated? Talent is more than knowledge, skills, and experience.
Since becoming aware of the "war for talent," I have read many articles that list predictors of talent. Some predictors are:
- Salesmanship
- Attitude
- Skill
- Desire to compete
- Champion Mindset
- Self-discipline
- Self-awareness
- Itegrity
- Forward thinking
- Action oriented
- Drive
- Reading the room
HBR author, Claudio Fernandez-Araoz lists five predictors of potential or talent that employers should look for in their employees or possible hires.
An employer should look at the motivation of the employee. The best employees want to leave a mark, contribute to company goals, invest in personals development, and are deeply humble. Motivation is important to the employer because it is usually unconscious. Motivations are deeply personal and can reveal an employee's loyalty. If a person is motivated by unselfish gains, that probably will not change.
Curiosity is the desire to seek out new experiences, knowledge, and feedback. Curiosity is a predictor of potential because it is a necessary requirement for personal development and learning. Without curiosity, it is difficult for an employee to better themselves.
Insight is the ability to gather and understand information. Insight is the ability to detect and understand their job and the context in which it takes place.
Engagement is when employees are motivated to contribute to the success of their company, give the best of themselves, commit themselves to company goals and values, and exhibit teamwork.
Determination is the ability complete difficult tasks in spite of the challenges. It is the ability to bounce back from adversity.
Employees cannot develop knowledge, skills, and experience overnight, however they can have the right motivation, increase their curiosity, develop insight, engage more, and have more determination. These are important predictors of talented employees.
Employees should be aware of these five predictors of potential, strengthen them, and incorporate them into their work.
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