Monday, May 28, 2018

Adopt Your Employer's Goals as Your Own

Do you want to be the most valuable employee possible to your company? If you do, it begins by discovering your  company's goals and adopting them as your own.

You have been hired for a purpose. Regardless of your company, the industry it is in, your level of education or experience, you have been hired to accomplish tasks that benefit the company. You probably took the job to earn a living and provide resources for your family. It is a wonderful thing if you love your job and it gives you a sense of accomplishment other than providing the basic needs of life. Many people, however, work at jobs because of need not because they are fulfilling a sense of calling.

You may be a vice-president of the company, a newly promoted manager, a college graduate that just entered corporate life with ambitions of having a corner office, or you may be working a job in fast food or a convenience store because that is the only work you can find. It makes no different what the job is or which industry the company resides, there are three basic things that every company does. When a employee discovers these things and determines to do them to the best of their ability, they will be a successful employee and rise in influence and position in your company.

First, every company provides a product or service.

Providing products and/or services is the fundamental role of business. The business may be private, public, large, small, non-profit, for profit, sole proprietorship or a corporation, global or local, its basic purpose is the same--providing products or servies. 

Customers want high quality products and services. Businesses that can deliver high quality products and services will be successful and win a higher amount of market share. You have been hired to assist the company deliver the highest quality product. This must be the first driver or motivation for your job. Do not fall into the trap of wanting higher wages and benefits to do a good job. Dedicate yourself to making the product or service the best possible and the wages and benefits will follow.

Secondly, every company wants to satisfy their customer's needs and wants.

A satisfied customer base is the most important factor of successful businesses. Companies depend upon the good will of their customers. If customers are pleased with your products and services, they will continue to do business and will recommend you to others.

Many company jobs do not directly affect the original product or service, but nearly every other job plays a significant role in making the customer happy. Organizations are made up of many departments or segments that we refer to as systems. Every system must work for company success. From the president of the company to the parking lot attendant, every employee must do their best job to make the company successful.

The third thing every company wants is profits.

How much money a company makes is the proverbial "bottom line." A company must make a profit (income after expenses) so that they can grow, expand, improve and innovate. A company cannot continue if they are not producing a profit. An employee may have the false notion that their job is so unimportant, that they could not possibly make a difference in company profits. Profits are not just made by making money from their product or service, but profit depends on controlling spending also. Many organizations lose money not because they are not selling, but because they are spending too much. Every employee can help control spending.

Workplace accidents, employee theft, and wasteful sending are examples of avoidable expenses. Companies spend unnecessary money each year on these avoidable things. Good employees are conscious of making a profit for their company. 

So what?

Products, services, satisfied customers, and company profits should not be of concern for the management only, but they are the concern of every good employee. Employeeship is about helping employees become the best employee possible!

Going further...

1. What are the products and services your company produces?

2. How does your job directly affect the quality of the products or the quality of customer service?

3. Describe how you can improve the quality of the customer service?

4. How can you increase the income of your company?

5. How can you reduce company expenses?





This blog is dedicated to development topics that will make you a better employee. 

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